Meet the Family

Paula Day LLB (Hons)
I’m the Boss…well, I like to think so anyway! I qualified as a Solicitor in 2001 and specialise in Wills, Probate and Lasting Powers of Attorney. I have always worked for this firm in various capacities starting off as a Receptionist at the age of 16 and working through the ranks until I became the Principal in 2008. If you are interested in the technical bit, the letters after my name ‘LLB (Hons)’ means I have a Law Degree and I also obtained Post Graduate qualifications in Law with Legal Practice and Professional Skills Courses.
Right, that’s the ‘work’ persona out of the way, now let me tell you a bit about me. I have three great loves…my family, my dogs, and dancing. My Mum and Dad, Teresa and Trevor, are my biggest support in every sense.
I have a Labrador, Honey, and a Cocker Spaniel, Abbie. Working from home means they are always with me and I really mean that as it’s often a bit like an assault course stepping over them to get from my desk to the filing cabinets. I was exceptionally proud of Honey when she became a ‘Pets as Therapy’ dog.
I started doing Ballroom and Latin American dancing when I was 7 years old and fell in love with it instantly. I competed for several years but, in 2014, hung up my competition shoes and started studying to teach dancing. I became a Professional in Ballroom in 2017 and am hoping to qualify in Latin American later this year. I also have letters after my name for this ‘AISTD’ meaning I’m an Associate of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing. These are my favourite letters! In my spare time, I enjoy travelling and spending time with my family and friends. Life is busy but good!

Sue Galley
This is Sue, my Cashier and Office Manager. You can be sure that any money we hold on your behalf is safe and sound with her as even I have trouble getting my own money out of her!
I could tell you more about what Sue does when she’s not slaving away for me but it’s much better she tells you herself…
I have lived in Stanford-le-Hope for over 40 years. Wow – that makes me feel old! I started my career in Banking, first with Williams & Glyn’s which merged with the Royal Bank of Scotland, where I met my husband, then with Banque Brussels Lambert. I loved working in London especially the social life but unfortunately, we all have to grow up some time, and so I married and settled down to have my family. I have been married for over 30 years and have two grown up girls who I love spending time with.
I have been working with Paula since 2004 and, although she’s my Boss, I also consider her my very good friend.
I have two dogs, Skye, my Husky, and Molly, our very hyper Romanian rescue. They love me working from home! Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends especially summer BBQs, shopping with my girls, and going on holiday.

Teresa & Trevor
Teresa Cotgrove – I can only say ‘The Real Boss’! When I took over the business in 2008, Mum had recently retired and was looking for something to give her a break from my Dad for a day a week…he likes to chat…excessively!
I have to be honest and say my poor Mum does all the jobs the rest of us don’t want to do…
…scanning, managing the storage facility, photocopying and making tea (although she does object to this). She bosses me around, tries to change my systems of working and still tells me off, but I couldn’t do without her.
Your turn now Mum, let’s hear about your life when you’re not running Paula Day Solicitors……I started my working life at the age of 12 years old as a weekend girl in a Hair Salon. When I was 15 years old I started my Apprenticeship and, at 18 years old, I got a job in the West End and continued my training as an Improver. I left this position after 7 years having become the Under Manager in the Hairdressing Department. I met Paula’s Dad in 1966, in 2019 we celebrated our Golden Wedding.
To say Paula was an active child is an understatement! We spent many hours going to Dance Competitions right up until she was in her early thirties. We are never bored as Paula can always find us something to do. I retired 10 years ago but I have kept busy, working for Paula one day a week, gardening, caravanning, and generally enjoying what life has to offer.
Paula’s Dad is always on call for all the odd jobs that need doing. Starting life in the Building Trade can be a disadvantage if you have a Daughter with demands! I think Paula follows her Dad in that she is always striving to get better. Trevor started as a Carpenter but became a Lecturer at Southend College and then went on to teach Resistant Materials at Paula’s old school, Grays Convent, when the College was closed to all trades.
Paula and her Dad are the best of friends. She is definitely her Father’s Daughter and they get on like a ‘house on fire’. This can, at times, be quite aggravating when, for some unknown reason, they will start doing the River Dance up and down the lounge!
As I said before, life is never boring, but we would not change a thing and wouldn’t have life any other way. We are very proud of Paula and her achievements.
Trevor Cotgrove – I have to mention my Dad as well as he is always called in to do the ‘practical’ tasks…hanging pictures, putting up shelves, moving furniture. His favourite phrase though is ‘I DO NOT DO ADMIN WORK’ much to my Mum’s consternation!
Dad could tell you what he enjoys doing in his spare time but Mum decides that for him so you probably already know!